I am writing to remind you that the meeting will be held on the 1st July 2022 at West Road Concert Hall, Cambridge.
Abstract submissions are open and we hope that all trainees will be able to submit something for the meeting. There are opportunities for podium and poster presentations throughout the day. Prizes will be awarded for the best presentations. The deadline for submissions is 31.3.22 and the link to submit your work is below. Please select your preferences for presentation when submitting your abstract and remember to also register for the meeting seperatley.
For those new to the region, the Cambridge Trauma and Orthopaedic Club (CTOC) meeting is an annual event where trainees from the region are given the opportunity to showcase their academic work as well as network and catch up with friends and colleagues. There will also be key note speakers and this year's theme is "innovation and training." The meeting is attended by trainees and consultants/alumni from the region and beyond.
The 2022 meeting will be different, as it will be held in collaboration with the SICOT young surgeons meeting (YSM). The CTOC day will run as normal on the 1st of July 2022 with the SICOT YSM meeting being held the day before (30th June 2022) at the same venue. The CTOC day itself is free to attend for all trainees and consultants from the region. Those who want to attend the SICOT day as well (which I highly recommend) can do so for only £50. The link to register is below. Abstract submissions for the SICOT YSM can be done so through the same link below.
Please remember to submit your abstracts AND register for the meeting using the links below. We need people to register to ensure we adequately cater for the event. Please remember to book your leave for the days.
Meeting registration
The CTOC dinner will be held on the evening of the 1st July 2022 at Kings College, Cambridge. This is the black tie event of the year. Further information regarding the dinner and accommodation will be sent out soon but please save the date/night and arrange for appropriate recovering time for the morning after. Significant others are welcome to the attend.
If you need any further information, please feel free to email me.
I look forward to receiving your abstract submissions.
Further information about the meeting can be found on our website http://cambridgeorthopaedicclub.co.uk/
Yours sincerely
Jaison Patel
ST8 - Trauma and Orthopaedics
Cambridge Trauma and Orthopaedic Club secretary
Sent on behalf of Mr Alan Getgood (CTOC President) and Mr Vikas Khanduja (Academic Programme Lead)
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